Tuesday, March 31, 2009

January 25, 2009

Today was my first day of research for my salsa project! I attended the USC Ballroom Club meeting from 3:30 to 5:00 and it was so exciting. I got there a little early and talked to a few people. The class is lead by three girls and they are very knowledgeable. The class was pretty large, probably about 10 or 12 people and surprisingly there were more guys than girls. The website designer was there as well and he gave out a few pointers throughout the class.

The first style we worked on was Rumba. For rumba the girl takes her first step back with her right foot. You leave the left foot forward until the next step side with the left foot. The next step is to bring the right foot to the left. You then repeat the second half of the box but you step forward with the left foot. The timing is slow, quick, quick and the key is to remember to use the hips. With every step you must stick out the hip connected to whatever leg the weight is on. Your left arm rests on your partner’s arm, which is elbow out and his hand under your shoulder. Your right arm is perpendicular to the floor and your hand is at the shorter partner’s eye level. The above box step is the basic.

We also learned a simple turn under. The sign from your partner to start a simple turn under is raising your right arm. You start the first half of the box and on the second step of the second half you start to walk around an invisible hole to your left but keeping the same tempo. You take two slow, quick, quick’s and then finish with one slow step forward with the left foot and two quick steps together to the right. The point of the turn under is to be facing a new direction.

The second rumba step we learned was a cross-over break with a turn. The sign is lowering your right hand. You begin the box but the second half you take a step left and then cross the right over the left and open your shoulders to be side by side by your partner. The left hand is free and open to the side. You switch hands and then repeat but to the right side. You repeat once more to the left and then do a pivot turn to the right. The final step is one slow step to the left and two quick back to the right.

The second dance style we learned was the waltz. The waltz includes a box step as well but the style is very different. The posture is very upright and formal. Also, instead of looking at your partner you tilt the head slightly to the left and look out and far-focused. Additionally, instead of small steps like the rumba the steps are wide. The knees bend with the steps to create a down, up, up motion. One key concept is when you step together make sure your feet come completely together. When stepping forward, step heel toe. The arms are wider with the waltz, especially the right arm holding your partner’s hand.

The waltz basic turn is exactly the same as the rumba turn except you apply the waltz technique. The other step we learned was to simply go in one direction, or dance line. This means moving in a counter-clockwise circle. You simply continue to move in a backwards or forward direction. This requires a lot of attention to your partner’s leading. By keeping a firm frame your partner will steer you in the correct direction.

I have a lot of trouble following. Having danced sans partner for 17 I am used to learning specific steps in a specific order and executing them independently. Today I tried to be really aware of my partner’s intentions and leading. The guys who really took charge were the easiest to dance with. One partner said my frame needs to be more firm and strong. My plan is to practice all the above steps at least once a day and maybe even teach them to my roommates and my boyfriend. The step I had the most trouble with was the waltz moving in one direction. The change is hard to detect since there is no definite sign. Thursday is the first competition practice and there are two competitions this semester with Ballroom Club. Fridays are salsa and going to the club. Today was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this project. My only worry is that I’ll get bored with the level and need a bigger challenge, but hopefully I’ll find more opportunities.

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