Tuesday, March 31, 2009

February 5, 2009

Tonight I went to Rust for the free salsa lesson 7-8 and then open dance afterwards. Rust is a gorgeous bar with amazing lighting, a cool bar setup, and several sections including a more private back area and an upstairs. Ramon, who I danced with at Hush, teaches the free lesson. Corey went with me this time and it was so fun! We basically just reviewed the basic steps I’ve already learned, but it’s great for Corey to learn so I can have a dance partner. We only stayed for an hour after the lesson because I have an accounting test tomorrow, but it was a great time. I really like the atmosphere at Rust and Ramon is a great teacher.

Ramon and I talked for awhile afterwards and he informed me that on Saturday, February 7th there is an intensive workshop from 5-7 for $10 and a basic lesson and social dance from 7-10 for $5. I can’t wait for the workshop because he said it will involve detailed tips on how to follow, which I really need. It’s at the Maxcy Gregg Senior Center and I think it’ll be really instructive. Hopefully my friend can go as well so I can have a partner/someone I know.

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