Tuesday, March 31, 2009

February 19, 2009

Today I met with Elizabeth from Carolina Ballroom Club at Cool Beans. I explained my project to her and told her I was just looking for some input to help me better execute my plan. I told her that I knew I wanted to learn salsa and that it would be awesome to basically get paid for it, but that I had to create some educational aspect for it. So, I decided I would incorporate cultural enrichment along with my business goals in my project. We didn’t really have a structured conversation, but she gave some great advice.

I told her where I’ve dance in Columbia so far and she suggested Vista Ballroom. Cindy has mentioned Erin at Vista Ballroom several times, and it seems like I should really get to know her! Elizabeth said Vista Ballroom is located on Assembly street near Ihop and focuses on Argentine Tango. This would be a really cool style to learn as well, especially considering its connected roots and the fact that I was a supposed “tango” dancer in Evita last semester. Eduardo Dias was the salsa instructor. He also has a club/studio in Augusta, GA called “Tropibana.” This would be a great place to try out if Corey and I ever go to visit his dad again. I’ll try to push for a visit in a couple of weeks so we can try out this club.

Elizabeth’s background is not as extensive as I would have guessed. She was a great dancer to watch, and even better teacher when I went to the lesson a couple of Sundays ago. She has an excellent way of explaining the moves and technique even though she’s only been dancing for four years. Her style of teaching is a mix of all the advice she’s received through various teachers. She said the best way to learn is from a variety of teachers so you can pick and choose what style works for you. She was the secretary her sophomore year and the former president pushed presidency on her when she unexpectedly attended grad school elsewhere. She said it was hard at first without the appropriate training, especially when it came to organizing competitions. She also said the club has been slacking in attracting interest as of late. I asked her the hardest part of being in charge of the club, and this is what she said:
· Cutting people so that competent dancers are the ones taking part in teams and showcases
· Dealing with in between phases – right now a lot of the good regulars are abroad or have graduated
· Time management with her own schedule and making sure everything gets done in the club
· Keeping class light and fun since it is an extracurricular
· Training someone to take over
· Getting other officers to help and communicating

After talking with Elizabeth for an hour, I came up with a great idea. Perhaps I could work for a year gathering interest for ballroom club. I could somehow make it a more accessible and fun group. Perhaps I could use my Greek life connections to convince a fraternity and sorority to have a function that was a salsa lesson and social dance. If someone is exposed to salsa just once, oftentimes they’re hooked. I need to brainstorm all the ways to garner more interest in salsa on campus.

Back home in Cincinnati, all of my friends went to the Mad Frog on Monday nights for salsa. There was a free, short lesson before so non-dancers could learn a few moves and a hopping bar scene so everyone could have fun. All my friends liked to go because of the amazing live music, the large crowd, the hip-hop club downstairs, the bar, and the fact that it was the place to be. If we could make some salsa venue in Columbia like the Mad Frog, a lot more students would have exposure to a great cultural experience. I now know another step in my project – interviewing someone at the Mad Frog to learn their secret to success.

February 23, 2009

The week of February 22 I spent a lot of time trying to contact people who might help me with my project. I’ve been emailing David Hill, the undergraduate Spanish program director, and Melissa Perez, the president of SALA. I had a lot trouble emailing Melissa; vip seems to think our emails are “junk” but I did manage to get a hold of her via facebook messaging. We tried to set up a time to talk before the SALA meeting on February 25, but for some reason she ended up cancelling. We are now scheduled for this Wednesday at 7:30 PM before the SALA meeting. At the meeting I’m going to tell everyone about my project and then open the table for discussion.

I’m really nervous about presenting my ideas, especially because they’re not even clear to me. I have a general idea of what I’ve been doing and what I want to do, but no specifics have been worked out. Not to mention I feel like my final project/goal is changing and developing and turning into something new as time goes on. Here’s what I do know:
· I am getting paid to learn how to salsa dance.
· I am taking private salsa lessons, dancing socially at clubs, and attending group salsa lessons.
· I am meeting with leaders involved with Ballroom Club, the Spanish department, Columbia’s Ballroom Company, and individuals who just enjoying dancing.
· I am researching styles of salsa, its history, shoes, etiquette, specific moves, Hispanic statistics, and salsa opportunities here in Columbia.
· I will eventually travel to Spain to further my salsa experience and gather useful knowledge to bring back to USC.
· My final project may include:
o A demonstration/free lesson on Greene Street during school.
o Being the PR for Ballroom club by gathering interest throughout campus.
o A salsa performance in Russell House where I show off how fun salsa can be, teach others, and also provide information on the Hispanic culture here in Columbia and how exploring a related art form could bring us closer together.
o Convincing Greek life to have one of their functions be a salsa lesson and social dance. The frat/sorority could also make a related charity event where they learn and teach about the Hispanic culture in Columbia.

That’s a lot of ideas and I’m not quite sure which ones are best, which ones are most attainable, and which ones are most appropriate for my project. All of them sound exciting! However, I know my networking skills, people skills, and overall enthusiasm would be very useful to being the PR for Ballroom Club. Also, gathering interest for salsa dance could involve all of the above activities.

I need to ask Briana if they scholarship can extend into this summer and/or next semester. I feel like a lot more research needs to be done before any of these activities can be carried out. These activities also need a lot of detailed planning such as renting space to perform, passing out flyers, talking with Greek leaders, etc. I really need to get a move on.

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