Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yesterday I had another lesson with Robert at 4:00 PM. We reviewed the patterns he taught me before, as well as introducing a few more complicated ones. They include:

* the Turkish towel - cross behind partner switching sides
* the carousel - basic back into turn, moves around center point (partner)
* around the world - grapevine behind partner into a turn (can do multiple times)
* foward facing head loops
* reverse pivot turn

And a few more! I was slack yet again taking notes DIRECTLY after class. Not to mention I forgot to give Robert the questionnaire yet again. I did find a notebook that will be my salsa notebook, and I'll put it with my shoes and papers each time. That way I just have one bag I grab and it has all my stuff.

I've been emailing Michelle and she found some great information to put on the salsa flier! Now I just have to make it up and submit it to the honor's college.

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