Sunday, April 19, 2009

I've been so behind on my blog but so much has happened since my last post.

Last week I had friends from out of town staying with me, so I didn't take any lessons but I did get my Laduca dance shoes delivered! They are so beautiful and perfect. I love the way they make my feet look and the way they feel. I LOVE THEM!!!

Also, during last week I designed my salsa basics fliers and my salsa demo fliers and had the honor's college print them. I also designed the poster for my table during my demo. One day during the week I went to Walmart and bought poster board and dowel rods to make a big sturdy poster for my table. I tried to decorate by hand, but it was a sad attempt. The stuff I printed out looks much better. 

Throughout the week my boyfriend Corey, my friend Emrys, and I spent over 3 hours hanging out fliers throughout campus and the stores surrounding USC. Corey and Emrys said they had some trouble hanging up fliers in a few places, but I got overall enthusiasm. The staff outside the Nickelodeon Theatre were super excited. I told them a bit about my project and they asked for extras to hand out to their friends. At Miyo's a woman waiting in line to be seated asked if she could hang one at her business. At the law school a student sitting in the lobby told me about his salsa days in his hometown of Miami, FL and how he'd definitely be there to dance. 

I'm really nervous about my demo. I have so much to do:
1) Make a salsa playlist, put it on my iPod.
2) Get the PA and mic from Emrys and test it with my iPod.
3) Pick up the printed poster stuff from the computer lab.
4) Cut and glue the poster stuff onto the actual poster.
5) Go to my salsa lesson with Stephen so we can learn some moves.
6) Pick out an outfit and get my shoes ready.
7) Set up my table with my salsa basics fliers, poster, and a smaller poster with special thanks to Capital Ballroom, Vista Ballroom, and Columbia's Ballroom Company. I also need to include contact information.
8) Send another reminder to everyone in my facebook group.

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