Thursday, April 2, 2009

I just sent an email to the leaders of USC's ballroom club and SALA. During exam week I really want to hold a salsa demo on Greene St., but I don't think I can do it by myself. I'm going to create flyers give basic salsa information, as well as flyers with Latino population statistics here in Columbia. Things I need:

- stop by the honor's college to have them request a spot on Greene St.
- pick a good day for the demo
- good salsa music (Dirty Dancing Havana Nights soundtrack maybe?)
- some sort of amplifier for the music
- a table for the flyers
- flyers containing Latino culture information
- flyers giving basic salsa information
- a cool banner to attract attention
- 2-3 assistant demonstrators
- 1 person to man the info table

Perhaps I could use part of my research grant to pay the demonstrators/table worker...good idea me!

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