Sunday, July 4, 2010

Some ideas for the showcase -

Use top level of Horizons Parking Garage across the street from the Strom or a rooftop of a USC building such as Gambrell. The area will be fully decorating with lantern lights, strung white Christmas lights, candles, small tents, and other various items to set the mood. I want large folding dividers artistically decorated with information and pictures about the Barrio Planta Project. I would also like to incorporate dance items into the decorating as well. Maybe pointe shoes strung from ribbons, a fake vanity with make up items as the napkin and straw table, or sheet music as placemats. I definitely want the area to be like a dinner theatre - 6/8 person round tables dispersed throughout the area with beautiful center pieces. Finally, there will have to be a bar with wine and beer as well as a relatively large dance space.

Jane Hearn's photography is beautiful and it deserves to be appreciated. She is a Columbia native and many of her pictures are of places and events in Columbia. Her art could be hung throughout the space or propped up on easels for people to view and potentially purchase.

One dance piece would be a fierce tango duet on the bar. Without any warning, the music would strike up and two dancers would begin performing. They would mingle prior to the dance and appear to be audience members. This would surprise the audience and include them in the performance.

One quick-paced salsa piece will definitely be included. Hopefully Tracy will be a part of this piece.

The other pieces I choreograph will be contemporary. I want to make a medley of my favorite Radiohead songs as well as use Closer by Kings of Leon, Golden and Green by the Builders and the Butchers, and Unstoppable by Drake. These dances will be similar to the style used in So You Think You Can Dance contemporary pieces. I especially like the choreography done by Mia Michaels. It has a lot of acting moments in it as well as touch response dancing, passion, and unique steps.

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