Friday, July 9, 2010

Just finished choreographing to the song "Golden and Green" by The Builders and the Butchers. Choreographing is such a tedios and time consuming thing for me. I love it and I love how I get lost in my artistic half of my brain when I do it, but it's a long process for me. I am a perfectionist, to put it mildly, and it's hard for me to be happy with an 8 count unless its completely perfect. This is my process:

1) Listen to music and decide what moves me and what would be most inspiring
2) Watch hours and hours of choreographing on Youtube to get inspired and find new moves, styles, and ideas
3) Listen to the song chosen at least 100 times and brainstorm any thoughts that come to mind to get ideas for a plot or theme
4) Choreograph 8 count by 8 count making sure to tell a story while keeping the movements interesting and unique
5) Set choreography with dancers and totally change it

The last step is the one that really gets me. I create this complex and what I think to be beautiful choreography, but I actually physically see dancers doing it, it can completely change. It may be that the people I've chosen can't do a certain step, they are really good at other steps I have not included, or I just get inspired all over again and see a new vision and new journey for the piece. I guess we'll see what happens now that I'm onto step 5! I might teach it to a couple dancers here and then see if it needs immmediate changes.

The piece is a story of a girl wrestling between good and evil. It tells the story of the internal struggle each of us faces with our conscious and our animalistic instincts. The main phrase of the song is "and everything that's golden and green goes to hell." The girl tries to cling to her inherent goodness, but evil keeps winning her over. In the end, everything that is good goes to hell, and she gives into her dark side.

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