Friday, July 9, 2010

A couple days ago Carlos and I started choreographing! I'm going to write out what we've done so far just so I don't forget...tonight we're having another rehearsal before dancer warm-up. Can't wait!

Side step left ball change (holding Carlos' left hand facing front)
In closed position move quickly around in circle
Rond de jambe right leg as open to be open front
Four quick cross-over walks starting with right foot to cross Carlos
Partner turn, cross over behind Carlos, jut hip out on 1
Ball change
Four cross over walks forward
Dig right heel into ground crossing over left, arms circling African dance style
Body roll with heel dig, do three times
Turn to right ball change
Three walks right in profile starting with right foot
Jump onto left foot, right leg in couple
Jump out onto right slight lunge leaning towards left
Turn to left (pencil turn)
Step out to left, right leg touches behind, out, in front
Arms wrap around body (left front) and slowly go up during step
Repeat right
Turn to face back, repeat left and right
Turn to face forward, repeat left and right
Jump onto right leg, left leg quickly points out in plied tondue
Left leg touches front, side, back
Step forward left then right to face right in profile
Two hip releases in plie

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