Sunday, April 11, 2010

I can't believe I almost forgot this! It seems like so long ago...

Below is a great picture from the Crash Party at Veritas. Every semester the university sponsors a big party in which all the international students and the Tico students are invited. It's held about a week after classes start so that everyone can have a good time and get to know eachother. It's held in the big courtyard and has drinks, food, music, and even a great show by the traditional Tico dancers! The dancers wear boots, shiny two pieces outfits, and HUGE head dresses. A group of drummers plays loudly and energetically as all the dancers step touch and shake. The even brought some of the students into the dance line and had us play the limbo! Such a blast.

During the party there was a dance contest. I grabbed Luis, a student from our program, to be my partner. Luis is full-blooded Mexican, fluent in Spanish, and a natural at Latino dancing. Every song change, which was about every 1-2 minutes, they would make cuts. Luis and I danced like I've never danced before. He twirled me all around the floor, dipped me, put my leg up on his shoulder and dragged me across the floor, and even flipped me upside down! It was a close call, but we ended up coming in second. The other couple were two people from the states that both teach Latino dance back home. We won two free zip-lining trips and respect from the locals! I danced so hard I thought I might be sick, but it was worth it!

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