Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am now in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. My boyfriend, Billy, lives her and volunteers teaching English and doing arts and sports with the local students after school. We surf during the day, hang out at the local coffee shop, lay out on the beach, volunteer in the afternoons, take yoga, and of course, salsa dance! Billy gave me 10 salsa lessons here in San Juan for Christmas. The teacher's name is Dennis and he's great. My first lesson was several weeks ago and Billy came with me. Dennis doesn't speak any English, so there's a slight language barrier, especially for someone like Billy who's never take a dance class before. I've taught Billy a little bit here and there and he picks up fast. However, he does usually need a drink or two as liquid courage, which he did not have this time. Dennis went a little too quickly, and I think he forgot how to teach a male gringo who isn't a natural born dancer. Billy would get a little frustrated and then Dennis would move on to something different, which further frustrated Billy. However, overall it was a good lesson and I had a lot of fun dancing with Billy and getting to know Dennis.

Two days ago I had my second lesson. This time i went alone. Dennis and I just danced for almost the whole hour. If I messed up a step, he would go through it slowly until I got it. We did a lot of salsa, cha cha and merengue. Towards the end we got really comfortable and just started free styling! It was so fun just goofing off. I'd make up a move, he'd mirror me, and then we'd switch. One piece of advice he gave me is to stay on the balls of my feet. He said I was "muy bueno" and that I needed to teach Billy ha ha. My next lesson is tomorrow, Monday April 12th, at 4 PM. Hopefully I will help out with one of Dennis's lessons to the little kids. He has class with them at 9, 2 and 4. I can't wait!

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