Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tracy said yes! Right now he's doing his own showcase for the studio, and at the beginning of the school year he's choreographing for Town Theatre. But, as soon as all that is over we start working! This summer I'm going to go through music and choose which song I want, start choreographing/getting ideas, and then be ready to show them to Tracy when I get back. The showcase isn't until November 30th so we'll have plenty of time.

Carlos, one of the cast members of The Lost Colony, has been great by showing me new moves. Yesterday he taught me several turns, lifts, and sequences for an hour before show. It was so fun! I just hope he has enough patience to deal with me. He is very, very talented and it's in his blood. The other day we watched several videos from the Salsa Congress in Puerto Rica. I was speechless. The speed, the clarity, the lifts, the passion...it was spell binding. I can only hope to be 1/5 as good as they are!

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