Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here's a video from a salsa congress.

Tracy said yes! Right now he's doing his own showcase for the studio, and at the beginning of the school year he's choreographing for Town Theatre. But, as soon as all that is over we start working! This summer I'm going to go through music and choose which song I want, start choreographing/getting ideas, and then be ready to show them to Tracy when I get back. The showcase isn't until November 30th so we'll have plenty of time.

Carlos, one of the cast members of The Lost Colony, has been great by showing me new moves. Yesterday he taught me several turns, lifts, and sequences for an hour before show. It was so fun! I just hope he has enough patience to deal with me. He is very, very talented and it's in his blood. The other day we watched several videos from the Salsa Congress in Puerto Rica. I was speechless. The speed, the clarity, the lifts, the passion...it was spell binding. I can only hope to be 1/5 as good as they are!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I just sent Tracy Steele a facebook message about choreographing a piece for the USC Fall Dance Showcase. Tracy is my salsa teacher at Columbia's Ballroom Company. I would love to collaborate with him to create a salsa duet with him as my partner. I think it would be some unique for the showcase, as well as a great opportunity to showcase what I've learned. It would also expose a large group of people to salsa and perhaps inspire them!
I forgot to mention one of the most beneficial aspects of being in The Lost Colony this summer - our choreographer!

Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly is currently the Resident Director for the touring Broadway musical Movin’ Out by Twyla Tharp with music by Billy Joel. He staged the current production with Twyla Tharp. He was in the Broadway production, was previously the Supervising Dance Captain/swing for the First National tour of the show, and also assisted in staging the production in London’s West End. Previous to Movin’ Out he was the Dance Supervisor and swing for the touring production of the musical Swing which performed extensively throughout the U.S. and Japan.

Mr. Kelly trained at the Marin Ballet. He danced for 2 years with American Ballet Theater II. Mr. Kelly performed for many years with Houston Ballet where he became a principal dancer and eventually Ballet Master. He also choreographed two ballets for the company. He had the opportunity to perform works by many world renowned choreographers such as Ben Stevenson, George Balanchine, Paul Taylor, Christopher Bruce, and Stanton Welch.

Mr. Kelly has been a guest artist, teacher and choreographer with numerous regional dance companies in the U.S., the Dominican Republic, and Guam.

Sean has been a great role model and inspiration. His strong presence makes us focused and determined. He is sweet, funny, and understanding. Due to the lack of a sprung floor in our rehearsal space and our long hours, many of our dancers were injured throughout the rehearsal time, including myself. My rib bone separated from my muscle after doing one our lifts, and rather than be demanding and angry, Sean allowed me to take the time I needed to heal. His talent is inspiring and I'm so glad I've gotten to work with him.
After four months in Central America I'm finally back in the states! After flying into Cincinnati May 2nd I continued to do some research online - studying different professional dance videos, researching salsa opportunities in North Carolina, listening to possible music choices for choreography, etc.

After a week in my hometown, I packed up my car and moved to Manteo, North Carolina. I am a dancer ensemble member in The Lost Colony, the longest running outdoor drama in the United States. Rehearsal week, starting May 9th, was intense. We rehearsed and worked from 9 AM until 11 PM everyday of the week, with only an hour or two for lunch and dinner. We did whatever it took to get the show up and running. We worked on dance technique, learned choreography, constructed props, and even mulched to make the theatre beautiful for our audiences! It was exhausting, but wonderful at the same time. I now have a family that extends back 73 years and will continue on into the future. We put together an amazing show in 3 short weeks and I'm very proud of the work we've done.

Now that the show is up, we have dance class twice a week from 9 AM - 12 PM and dance warm-up for 45 minutes before each show. One great thing about these classes is that the are open for other dances to teach if they wish to. This is perfect for our cast because our dancers' background are so varied. Jen is a certified pilates instructor, Ford is great at tap, Carlos is Puerto Rican and a salsa instructor, Elizabeth is a ballroom dancer, and the list goes on. Carlos and Elizabeth are my most important resources. We are going to start private salsa lessons/social dancing in the rehearsal space and I can't wait! I'm especially excited because Elizabeth and Carlos' styles are so different. It's going to be great experience!